Friday, 21 December 2012

Box Set Binge: Community Series 1 and 2

Sometimes you come across something and you feel like it was just made for you. It's that eureka moment when the title sequence rolls and something clicks. This is how I feel about Community.

Picture from here
I recently finished the second series and the third is not yet available in the UK. Basically it follows an 'eclectic' study group in a community college. The show is super meta and self referential with a healthy disregard for the fourth wall. Usually this can come off smug but it works here. The plots are ludicrous and it manages to play tropes straight, off centre or both complete with rapid fire snarks and a dollop of the warm fuzzies from time to time.

There is also a tumblr that splices Community quotes with screen caps of Downton Abbey. Ace.

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