Friday, 28 June 2013

What I've Been Watching 28/6

A quick round up of recently watched films and TV shows:

Man of Steel (2013)

An interesting spin on the origin story as it makes use of flashbacks and flipping the expected order of events. It's very action heavy and did feel a little flat in places but overall it was a good watch.

Ruby Sparks (2012)

A quirky fantasy drama/comedy about a writer who creates his dream girl only for him to struggle with her coming to life for real. Its surprisingly deep and beautifully shot.

Kamikaze Girls (2004)

A Japanese movie about the unlikely friendship between a yanki and a gothic lolita that manages to be heartwarming without being overly sentimental and is funny to boot.

The Man who Laughs (1926)

A gorgeously shot silent film starring Conrad Veigt as a man who was disfigured as a child and now has a permanent, deranged grin. It starts tragically and goes downhill from there but it is well worth a watch.

Mangirl (2013-)

A cute series available to watch on Crunchyroll about a group of hapless would be editors trying to publish a manga magazine

Revolution (2012-)

I wrote an introduction piece for this over at Culturefly and I have to say the series is progressing really well. It's finished its run over in the US and there are still plenty of mysteries to be solved but a second series has been commissioned and I'm excited to see what comes next

Star Trek: Into Darkness (J.J. Abrams, 2013)

My initial impression was that this was much better than the first film, it did get bogged down in explanations and introdctions. It's very action heavy despite the fact that it is mostly confined to the ship. Looking forward to see what Abrams does with Star Wars.

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