Monday, 30 April 2012

Shivering in Antici.....pation

I have been soaking up any Avengers related stuff I can find at the moment and the featurettes have been coming thick and fast. However, it's getting to the point now where the stuff is getting a tad repetitive I've been scaling back before I go and see it Wednesday. So what's the next big thing to look forward to afterwards? Well, the Avengers is just the first in the yearly glut of Spring/Summer blockbusters and a new trailer for Prometheus dropped recently: 

A fan of the original Alien series, I admit I haven't been following the news on this one as much as I thought I would. However, it looks promising and I got to also see the very creepy promo that came out earlier this month:

Also, if you have few spare minutes

There was meant to be a few bits and pieces about Dancer in the Dark today but I am swamped with Uni work so the only stuff you might be getting for a while is gibberings about narrative structure etc.

Sarah x 

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