Tuesday, 1 May 2012

3D Nightmares

I had to link to  this article from The AV Club that I stumbled across today when I was supposed to be studying. I loved the LOTR trilogy it was one of the first things that got me really interested in film beyond the casual level and since then I have harboured a secret desire to be a ranger. That aside, I was really looking forward to The Hobbit as soon as it was announced. Then came the details of splitting it into two movies, original characters and stuff that sound suspiciously like padding and I was still firmly holding onto the belief that I would love this film and honestly I still think that's the case mostly because even without this article there is no way in hell I would give up my hard earned cash to see ANYTHING in 3D so I plan to go and see The Hobbit in SD with the glorious filmic grain that is apparently missing.

I went and saw Avatar in 3D when it came out and a few others since but the novelty wore off fast to the point where I won't go and see the film if i can't see it in standard. The point about 3D is that good films are still good films without it while bad films seem plumped up and bloated. It doesn't add anything to the experience. Not to mention the uncanny valley effect that comes from slightly popped out people and objects. It's cold and lacks the texture of film. I don't have anything against digital, in fact I think it's great, but post production means we can still get the warmth of film even if that wasn't the medium used. Because of the distortion that comes with 3D, that isn't possible.

It makes me wonder, with big name advocates like Cameron and Jackson, how far the 3D wave will go and whether someone is going to turn around and say enough is enough.

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