Saturday, 9 February 2013

Newsbeat: "Why online companies are moving into TV"

 Natalie Jamieson's article over at Newsbeat was prompted by the recent release of Netflix's first ever original show.

House of Cards starring Kevin Spacey is a remake of the early 90s, British miniseries of the same name, itself an adaptation of a bestselling novel. The action has moved from Whitehall to Washington but the buzz of House of Cards isn't the show itself but it's delivery system.

All 13 episodes are available for immediate watching just like a DVD boxset, so what Netflix have done is essentially sold it's viewers a 13 hour movie in the guise of a Boxset Binge (though Netflix prefers the term "Marathoning" perhaps to move away from the image of viewers vegetating away in front of a screen like a mindless zombie) or if you are more cynical, a 13 hour advert as to why you should opt for them over Love Film.

As the article states other companies are looking to follow suit, potentially changing the way that we view television shows forever.

I haven't seen the show, being a Love Film subscriber instead but if you're interested Mark Lawson has written a review over at The Guardian as does Gennedy Kolker here.

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