Wednesday, 24 April 2013

100 posts and a Culturefly article

Sorry for the lack of posts lately! So this is the 100th blog post, cupcakes and balloons all round. What better way to mark this than a article published by Culturefly!

Reading this online you’re probably already aware of how much you rely on electricity and power. No power means no cars or planes, no TV or radio, no phone system, no medical equipment, no freezers and no food storage systems. Things would get pretty difficult pretty quickly.

Sky One’s Revolution is a new US drama that shows pretty much exactly that. Set fifteen years after the entire world’s power supply just cut out with no warning or explanation. Things devolve quickly and the US is now run by ruthless militia groups that monopolise food and weapons while most people live in small villages scraping by on what they can grow or hunt. Needless to say, it isn’t the cheeriest of places.

I have done a series review that you can read here and Culturefly are looking for writers if you are interested. Head over to the site and it has all the details. 


  1. another one?! damn you're good! very interesting read, i may have to look into that series

  2. Thanks! It's cool, very easy to follow and I'm getting the early impression that the overall mythology of the show won't get in the way of the storytelling.
