Thursday, 11 April 2013

Review: Cloud Atlas

I was super excited to see this film but felt the need to wait a while before I wrote about it as it struck me as a piece of work that benefits from a good deal of reflection.

The visuals, as expected, are flawless and the directors' skills in that respect are undeniable. As far as the structure of the story goes I found it easy to follow and it all flowed together nicely but my only criticism was that there were times when I found myself withdrawing from the film slightly. Usually I find it easy to get absorbed into a film but for whatever reason (the long running time, the switching between plots, the cold cinema, fidgeting etc.) every so often I would snap back to reality and find myself in the cinema rather than in the story.


It will be interesting to see if this is any different when watched at home on DVD rather than in the cinema. Overall I loved it but wished that I could have sustained my attention over the whole film.

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