Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Psycho Review on Culturefly

Culturefly has just launched its new web page! It looks pretty snazzy in my opinion.

One of the articles on today's homepage is my own review of Hitchcock's 1960 masterpiece Psycho:

I think we can all safely say that even if we’ve never seen the filmPsycho we’re all aware that Norman Bates is the murderer, dressing up as his dead mother. If you were one of the two people in the known universe that wasn’t aware of that fact then my apologies but everyone knew that. It can be hard for us as modern audiences, to relate to how an audience at the time would have reacted to the twist, even the basic plot of the film is crystal clear in our minds.
Read the rest of the article here and take a look around the new site!

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