Monday, 7 May 2012

100% Spoiler Free Avengers Top Ten

There has been a tiny bit of a lag hasn't there? Well, that aside, I thoroughly enjoyed Avengers as much as I expected to and in honour of that I have compiled my 100% Spoiler Free Top Ten reasons why you should see this film / best bits / fangirl squees.

1) Joss Whedon's masterful (and that is not hyperbole) use of the long take.

2) "...He's adopted."

3) A rather big plot point from the start of the film has actually been concealed from the trailers which is odd when you're used to having the whole movie played out in two minutes. In fact most of the film has been kept under wraps which make a nice change.

4) "I get that reference!"

5) Mr Whedon has told some fibs about a certain character for the betterment of the film.

6) It doesn't feel like a mish mash of six different films but it does keep the essence of the previous movies which is a pretty impressive balancing act.

7) That snake monster thing from the trailer? So much more impressive on the big screen.

8) "Puny God!" and the events immediately preceding that.

9) "I watched you while you were sleeping..."

10) And finally, just the sheer scope of this project. It's pretty unique to structure a group of films like the comics they were based on: strong, individual films with distinctive styles that had to be a success and then to gradually bring them together to have characters and events that worked across them all in preparation for a superhero buffet in film form. This sounds like gushing and honestly it is but seriously, create a cohesive body of work like that? Marvel et al. have pulled some thing quite special off.

Go. And. See. It.

Sarah xo

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