Tuesday, 1 May 2012

The Turner Prize

The four finalists for the Turner prize have just been announced. It features two video/film artists, a performance artist and a painter. Luke Fowler is a Glasgow based artist specialising in documentaries and I hadn't heard much about him before the Turner Prize but then I am a fiction girl at heart rather than a documentary buff. Elizabeth is known for her video installations another area I must admit that I'm no expert in. in general I appreciate art but can't tell you diddly squat about it. However, reading about the nominations I was interested to see some of their work. The last installation I saw was a 20 min film about China at the Choreographing You show at the Southbank centre last year which was enjoyable. I like the interactive nature of installations, it's a nice change from the solo, introspective nature of film.

In other news: Congratulations to any Screnzy competitors who kept going until the bitter end yesterday. My own script was abandoned at fifty pages. I'm in mourning. To celebrate your victory:

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