Friday, 22 March 2013

Wish You Were Here?

Cross posted from Yellow Bunting

Sometimes, living in England makes me feel like a minor character in Game of Thrones, minus the horrific violence, gratuitous sex and dangerous inter-family politics. Less “Winter is Coming” and more “Winter’s the default season” it nonetheless feels like the cold will last forever with no hope of even the slightest ray of sunshine.

With that in mind and acknowledging that not everyone can afford to leave the country, I have provided a cinematic alternative:

The Adventure Holiday

For those who enjoy getting their heart rate up, settle down with the Indian Jones Trilogy as it takes you to far flung, exotic places and provides totally accurate, 100% researched and certified History for those who like that kind of thing and lots of Nazi-fighting, pesky cult-bashing and artefacts that will make your face melt with excitement. You might even be tempted set out to find the mystical fourth movie but rest assured, such a nightmare relic cannot possible exist…

See also: Most cheap films late on the SyFy channel that try to emulate Indiana Jones but don’t, The Mummy trilogy

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Feminist Frequency

If you haven't done so already you need to go and catch up with Anita Sarkeesian over at Feminist Frequency especially her newest series on the portrayal of women in video games which makes for interesting viewing even if you aren't a super avid gamer (which I am not).

Sarkeesian is a media critics who specialises in deconstructing stereotypes (that sound you hear is academics and fans alike squeeing)  and exploring issue of portrayal. It's very cool.

With an approachable (and thankfully jargon-less) way of communicating ideas that mixes snappy facts and quirky asides, Sarkeesian is endlessly watchable for those with an interest and/or expertise in media  and the more casual viewer alike and also avoid that "accentuate the negative" approach that others feel is necessary to be a critic.

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Veronica Mars Kickstarter (aka the best news you will ever hear)

Please tell me you've heard the glorious news that is the Veronica Mars movie. If you haven't, get yourself over to Kickstarter and watch the awesome video about what these guys want to do. Plus an article I can relate to: I wish I'd written Veronica Mars

They have already made over and above their target (a whopping $2million (!!!) the largest Kickstarter Film Project EVER) which means that the movie is definitely going ahead. I can't wait. More on this in my next Yellow Bunting article.

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Must read article

I found this interesting article by Sasha Weiss at The New Yorker entitled "Anne Hathaway: In defence of the happy girl".

It is well worth a read and offers an interesting perspective on how we view women in the limelight.

Friday, 8 March 2013

Top 5 Pixar Shorts

 Feeling a lot of love for shorts recently and Pixar release a short film with every new theatrical release. I'm not too thrilled by the fact that a lot of the stuff they have lined up are sequels but we shall wait and see.

Anyways in celebration here are my 5 best Pixar shorts starting with:

Picture from here
Luxo Jr. (1986)

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Plan 9 From Outer Space

Over at Yellow Bunting, Daisy has penned an article in defence of one of the most infamous movies of all time and provided a link where you guys can see it too!

Poster from here

Friday, 1 March 2013