Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Feminist Frequency

If you haven't done so already you need to go and catch up with Anita Sarkeesian over at Feminist Frequency especially her newest series on the portrayal of women in video games which makes for interesting viewing even if you aren't a super avid gamer (which I am not).

Sarkeesian is a media critics who specialises in deconstructing stereotypes (that sound you hear is academics and fans alike squeeing)  and exploring issue of portrayal. It's very cool.

With an approachable (and thankfully jargon-less) way of communicating ideas that mixes snappy facts and quirky asides, Sarkeesian is endlessly watchable for those with an interest and/or expertise in media  and the more casual viewer alike and also avoid that "accentuate the negative" approach that others feel is necessary to be a critic.

Unfortunately, there has been an ugly campaign against Sarkeesian since she launched the Kickstarter  for her newest series but as a true kick-ass hero she turned a horrible situation into an opportunity (see this Wired article for more info) to highlight a frequently ignored issue: cyber/online bullying particularly in gaming circles. 

The abuse hurled at Sarkeesian and her work is vulgar, misogynistic and showcases the very real issue of how women in the media and of the media can be subject to degrading vitriol because of their gender. See the recent case of Mary Beard being subjected to a torrent of slurs and threats after an appearance on BBC's question time. Beard also had the awesome idea of flooding one of the sites where the abuse was posted, with Latin poetry in retaliation.

As Beard noted "It would be quite enough to put many women off appearing in public" but both these women show that there needs to be more done to change the underlying attitudes that make people think this is okay, and that they won't take it lying down.

So whether you watch Feminist Frequency because Anita Sarkeesian is a kick-ass feminist or an awesome critic (or like me you agree with both!) have a good old archive binge of the past series and spread some positivity with some good comments! 

Also, check out Sarkeesian's wonderful talk for TED on those very subjects:

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