Tuesday, 5 June 2012

100% Spoiler Free Prometheus Top Ten

Go and see this movie people.

1)This marks Ridley Scott's return to sci-fi after thirty years. That's right, thirty years since Blade Runner.

2)Michael Fassbender's entire performance is creepily superb.

3)The entire film is an exercise in continuity porn. This extends to the extensive viral campaign also and it's enough to make any Alien fans squeal. Saying that it doesn't isolate new viewers and you don't need to have seen the original film.

4)Noomi Rapace provides a wonderful successor (cinematically speaking since Prometheus is a prequel) to Signorney Weaver's Ripley. The lady has ovaries of steel and is a complete badass from start to finish.

5)Rapace's last lines (see 3.)

6) The opening scene and all its creepiness.

7)The SFX for the whole film is sublime but the climax it particularly worth seeing.

8)Scott has managed to bring together a great ensemble cast full of talented actors and while some have more screen time than others no one is underused or over shadowed. I like the pilots in particular.

9)Charlize Theron's performance and character. Any more would give the game away but when her motivations are revealed everything makes sense suddenly.

10)The last scene before the credits

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