Friday, 1 June 2012

March Round Up

Hello June and a happy extended bank holiday weekend to my fellow Brits! Here is my brief round up of May:

Top Film: Avengers. An obvious choice but what can you do. A special mention also goes to Stolen Lives which I watched one afternoon while skiving off from important essay work.but didn't have time to write about.

Worst Film: Faces in the Crowd, which I didn't write about due to sheer frustration. Bad story, bad acting, bad everything.

Most looking forward to in June: A toss up between Prometheus and Snow White and the Huntsman at the cinema. I've also stockpiled a collection of DVDs that I need to watch including those oscar darlings The Artist and War Horse and as nerdy as it sounds I'm actually looking forward to the DVD extras (don't shoot!)

Sarah x

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