Monday, 25 June 2012

Review: Hamlet 2 / Bridesmaids

Comedy films are a good bet in the current financial climate as they appeal to wide audiences, are comparatively cheap to make and everyone needs a laugh right? Over the past few days I've seen two comedies from the past few years.

Hamlet 2

A friend at uni recommended this to me. In a parody of the 'inspirational teacher' sub-genre a failed actor and his students put on quite possibly the most offensive play known to man. Which isn't really seen (which may be for the best). And the teacher is Alan Partridge. And he plays Jesus in the play. And they sing "Rock Me Sexy Jesus". I think you may get an idea of the type of film this is. Actually its pretty good. I was completely prepared to dislike it but really its quite a playful film and the comedic performances are quite good.


You know, the one that did phenomenally well and was called a female Hangover?  I never saw it in the cinema. I feel like I should have because everyone was talking about it and how it marked this huge shift towards comedy for woman and by women but if I'm 100% honest out and comedy has never been my thing. It wasn't what I expected but it was good. It didn't sacrifice the story or the characters for gags  which is the downfall of many a comedy film and sitting and watching it with a friend, we both enjoyed it. There is something appealing at laughing at a female character but not laughing at her and that's what I liked.

On a side note, the actress who plays Annie's creepy roommate is starring in a film called Struck By Lightning, written by Glee alumnus Chris Colfer who also stars and produces:

That actually looks awesome but no release date has been set yet. i hope that Colfer's clout from Glee might speed that along.

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