Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Review: Rock of Ages

Hands in the air, I didn't know what to expect with this one.

It's directed by Adam Shankman who also directed Hairspray and even more impressively was the choreographer for the Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode "Once More with Feeling":

I should say now that I have never seen the stage version of this, didn't know the storyline (which made an interesting viewing experience as I am usually prepared) but none of that mattered. Even if you are a super fan of classic rock I am positive you would still find this film enjoyable. What's surprising is how all the cast are actually decent singers which shouldn't be surprising in a musical but see Pierce Brosnan in Mamma Mia and you'll get my point. Even Tom cruise can sing. It does suffer from a few of the issues that plague adaptions of works that were originally performed on stage namely the pacing but the performances make up for this. The central protagonists are nice enough but it's the wider ensemble that bring most of the entertainment. Alec Balwin and Russell Brand in particular. It may not be the best musical ever made but it is incredibly entertaining.

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