Sunday, 10 June 2012

Echo Chamber

I'm a big fan of the TV Tropes website and they have just released the first two episodes of the second series of Echo Chamber, the show made by tropers for tropers.

Basically the story is this: A guy named Tom has been tasked with making videos about certain tropes (for those who don't know a tropes are "devices and conventions that a writer can reasonably rely on as being present in the audience members' minds and expectations"  (according to the website) for a mysterious employer. Along with his snarky producer Dana and his cloudcuckoolander cameraman Zack, he struggles to complete videos, the subject of which always seems to relate to whatever they are doing.

Show Within a Show is the first episode:

Obviously the show relies a lot on meta humour and reflexivity and is a must for anyone who has so much as glanced at the main site. I sat and watched all twelve episodes today and I am hooked. It's updating every Tuesday and Thursday and the videos can be seen here along with the relevant tropes!

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