Thursday, 19 July 2012

Box Set Binge: Pushing Daisies Series 2

Up for round two?

Photo from IMDB

It occurs to me that compared to Bryan Fuller's earlier fare (Wonderfalls and Dead Like Me) Pushing Daisies is lacking the characteristic snark and cynicism of Fuller. It is unapologetically whimsical and idealist in its approach to storytelling. It is a warm cup of tea and a biscuit and makes no bones about it. Series two is longer and goes deeper into the backstories of the characters than series one which is great  because growth is good and bad because as we all know the second series is the last one so all those intricate story lines are either tied together somewhat messily in the final episode of just left hanging and really, such an innovative show deserves better.

The story lines can feel a little soapy but because of the show's oddball nature it isn't too distracting. If this came up on another show it might render it unwatchable. The only sore point is the ending and of course that isn't the fault of the writers or the actors, they try their best but a stronger resolution would have been great. At least Dead Like Me got a TV movie.

Speaking of Dead Like Me, I just finished re-watching the first series so expect an update on the soon...

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