Sunday, 8 July 2012

Review: The Jacket

A time-twisty tales where Keira Knightly affects a surprisingly convincing accent...

Warner Brothers indie flick tells the story of Jack Sparks (Adrien Brody), a gulf war veteran who returns home wounded and with memory problems. Said problems lead to him lacking an alibi when accused of murder and ending up in a chilling hospital undergoing a horrific treatment where he is locked in a morgue drawer. This leads to an encounter with a familiar face from his past.

Not your usual time travel flick, The Jacket (John Maybury, 2005) is at times hard to watch not because of the content or the plot but because there is the constant anticipation of something awful happening. In fact there are a lot of lighter moments, mostly the emotional scenes between the two leads It is at once a slow burner and a snappy mosaic of memories, dreams and jumps through time. It is one of those films where everything unfolds slowly until that bit at the end where you suddenly get what was going on the whole time...

The performances of Brody and Keira Knightly as Jackie, are central to the success of the film and both deliver intense performances and it is good to see Knightly playing against type.

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