Sunday, 8 July 2012

Top Five Raiders of the Lost Ark Musings

It seems pointless to do my usual under 500 word review on such a film, however I re-watched it today and felt it couldn't go without mention.

It is one of those films constantly referred to as "iconic" so I want to steer away from "Best Lines" or "Best Moments" and instead focus on the nostalgic musings and various thoughts a second viewing conjures.

1) This piece of dialogue (copied from IMDB) :
Indiana: Hello, Marion. Marion: Indiana Jones. I always knew some day you'd come walking back through my door. I never doubted that. Something made it inevitable. So, what are you doing here in Nepal? Indiana: I need one of the pieces your father collected. [Marion surprises him with a right cross to the jaw] Marion: I've learned to hate you in the last ten years! Indiana: I never meant to hurt you. Marion: I was a child. I was in love. It was wrong and you knew it! Indiana: You knew what you were doing. Marion: Now I do. This is my place. Get out! 
It has been said that Lucas originally wrote that the relationship between the two took place when Marion was fourteen (!) and Indy is in his twenties. But then look at Luke and Leia....

2) Did I dislike Marion more with this viewing? I was sure she was more of an action girl when I first saw the film and was initially disappointed that it wasn't how I remembered. That being said, I am more appreciative of her use of cunning to get out of situations e.g. trying to get Belloq drunk etc. So no, if anything I think I came to see Marion as a more rounded character.

4) I hated this when I first saw the film (I have no idea how old I was, but I just remember this bit):

Now I dislike the shot of the snake slithering out of the skeletons mouth more.

I wonder if that means something.

5) Courtesy of TV Tropes, this piece of trivia:
The DVD special features have some utterly hilarious footage of Spielberg chastising one the snakes from the Well of Souls scene after discovering that, being cold blooded, snakes actually like to be close to fire. "You like fire? But it says in the script that you hate fire. Why do you like fire? You're ruining my movie!"
I must see this.


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